Treatment Series

——10%, 20% water soluble florfenicol

Main IngredientsFlorfenicol


1. Adopt the international leading production process, chloramphenicol tested negative.

2. Unique formulation process to solve the problem of water solubility.

3. Absorb quickly, can achieve effective blood drug concentration rapidly and the bioavailability is high.

4. Broad and strong antibacterial spectrum, can maintain blood drug concentration for a long time.

5. Safe and reliable, not easy to develop drug resistance.


It is used for bacterial diseases caused by susceptible bacteria, such as typhoid and paratyphoid caused by salmonella, Chicken cholera, Pullorum disease, E. coli disease, etc.

Usage and Dosage

10% Soluble Florfenicol Powder

lTaking orally: Calculated based on this product, every 1kg weight, 0.2~0.3g for chickens, twice a day and use continuously for 3~5 days.

lMixed feeding: Add 400~500g this product per ton of feed, twice a day and use continuously for 3~5 days.

lDrinking water: Add 200~300g this product per ton of water, twice a day and use continuously for 3~5 days

20% Soluble Florfenicol Powder

lTaking orally: Calculated based on this product, every 1kg weight, 0.1~0.15g for chickens, twice a day and use continuously for 3~5 days.

lMixed feeding: Add 200~250g this product per ton of feed, twice a day and use continuously for 3~5 days.

lDrinking water: Add 100~150g this product per ton of water, twice a day and use continuously for 3~5 days

Drugs-withdrawal period5 days for chickens.

Packing100g per packet ×10 packet per box, 500g per packet


Product approval number

10% flufenicol powder: Shou Yao Zi 130172110

20% flufenicol powder: Shou Yao Zi 130172539