Nutrition Series

——Improve anti stress ability

Main Ingredients

Amino acid, potassium, sodium, VA, VD3, VE, VK3, VB1, VB2, etc.


1. Added amino acids with special functions to enhance the anti-stress effect.

2. Scientific collocation, stress resolution and nutritional supplementation are carried out simultaneously.



1. It has the effects of stabilization, analgesia, anticonvulsant, etc., and has special effects on solving deaths caused by unknown causes;

2. Improving the ability of aquatic animals to resist urgent adversities such as hypoxic stress, fishing, and long-distance transport;

3. Supplement vitamins, electrolytes and other nutrients needed by aquatic animals, improve the body's immunity and enhance resistance;

4. Regulate growth hormone, significantly improve feed intake and feed conversion rate, promote the growth and development of aquatic animals.

Applicable objects

Suitable for ocean fish, freshwater fish, shrimp and crab, sea cucumber, scallops, frog, eel, yellow eel, turtle and other aquatic animals of stress responses and swimming along the pond edge caused by factors such as feed change, water temperature, fishing, hypoxia, changes in salinity, residual ammonia poisoning, etc.

Usage and Dosage

1. Sprinkling: Sprinkle 200~300g per acre·meter of water body, use continuously for 2~3 days.

2. Indoor breeding: Sprinkle 5~8g per cubic meter of water body, use continuously for 2~3 days.

3. Mixing material: Add 1~2g per kg of feed, long-term additions can have better effect.

Packing500g per packet